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Private oil companies may get govt subsidy

This was among the top stories which got my attention….. and i had a thought what will happen if it is gonna happen…. I may be right or wrong… if i am wrong pls correct me….


Pros for them (in numbers) and Opportunities for us in(alphabets) the disguise of cons….

1. Private Oil Companies though will be compensated for the sales, might prefer to operate the pumps which are logistically profitable in the short run as well as in the long run. ( Obviously all the current ones are already planned for that…so may be no new pumps in rural areas)

a. In the current budget the Govt has allocated a lot of funds to rural areas. This might increase our sales in rural areas due to improvement in road transport, where we will be having  a small outlet. If sales increases we will be in a position to capture it rather than a private player tapping it.


2.They will have a marketing plan for each and every market. Say for example Car Owners in a particular area, College Students in another area etc. That can be done by offering some other service which attracts the customer…. Ex. Hangouts for students in a pump close to college.

b.Rather than we doing the plan we can encourage the dealers to come out with plans…



3. Creating a hype in the market, as if they are selling petrol and we are selling some cheap stuff.


4. Poaching people from our sales force.


And when all these things happens in the market place, our sales force will be under pressure. But we might have to do some brain storming and inputs should be taken from our dealers and sales officers. With the feed back our strategy should be planned for a long term in line with our Vision & Mission.


edwynraber said…
지난 17일 직장인 익명 커뮤니티 블라인드에 '자본주의'라는 제목의 게시물이 올라왔다. 해당 글은 카카오 직원으로 추정되는 직장인 A씨가 작성했다. 해연썰 최근 개인 채널을 통해 딸 먼로와 찍은 사진을 공유한 머라이어 캐리 위 절제술로 20kg을 감량했다고 들었는데 전성기때 미모 찾으셨네 대단.. 패션뷰티 가을 코디 아이템 총집합 니트, 셔츠, 부츠, 머플러, 로퍼 어떻게 코디해야 할까? 이번 가을엔 꼭 입고 싶은 조합 가을 코디 아이템 별로 추천 드려요~ 개인적으로 스트라이프 셔츠에 가디건 조합은 더킹카지노 언제 봐도 진짜 스타일 넘친다..

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