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The People who made me a CA!

For him it was just another day....

I went to my uncles place in rayapuram. And after having a delicious lunch prepared by my grandmom, i was about to leave....

My uncle Suresh was there... He was just asking me about my plans for the future... i was not so sure about anything... may be i was thinking about starting my own textile mill after some time... But resources were tight.. He suggested that i should do CA....

Believe me, i had no idea how i can do... But he was right and he had shown me the road in which i am travelling.....

Thank u Mama....  

Suresh, PVS Lodge, Tirupur                                                   Nataraj Mama.
If it was Suresh mama, who had given me the spark to do CA, it was Nataraj mama who MADE me a CA... Right from buying application till my Convocation it would not have been possible without his efforts and help.
I can swear, i did pass CA bcoz of my uncle's confidence. I was not studying hard, but i was just trying to retain the confidence he had in me...

I had different plans every day right after my matric exams.. one day i wanted to become a businessman, next day a civil engineer and another day a advocate.... He had supported all my ideas and religiously he would ask around and give me some insights about the same.  Finally i had decided that i will decide my future after my college... some where in between i decided to do E.Commerce. I was totally bankrolled by my uncle. After paying some 10 thousand and spending some 2 months i found that it was of no use to me... I was planning too fast and without any idea in E-Commerce i wanted to make money day one... 
So one fine day i met suresh mama, who in turn showed the other route... Chartered Accountancy. From that point Nataraj mama had taken over.... He took all the pain to get the principal for me... He spoke to his friends in Coimbatore and Tirupur. And finally through another uncle of mine, Rathinaswamy mama, he got me the articles with Chellappan Sir.

Coming soon... my life in coimbatore and Chellappan Sirs influence in my life...


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