With changing interest rates and pricey homes, here's how you can be a savvy customer. By Padmavathi Subramanian I live in what's arguably the city with the world's highest real-estate prices. But our Mumbai flat was too tiny—my family, I felt, deserved something better. Selling it and moving to an affordable, larger flat farther away from my downtown office, where I reach after an hour's commute, would make my life even harder. Then, in mid-2005, my next-door neighbours decided to sell their equally small flat. I bought it with a home loan from HDFC Ltd, pulled down a wall and joined the two flats to create a fairly large home. While applying for the loan, one question troubled me. Should I choose a fixed rate of interest, or a floating rate—one that could go up or down, depending mainly on inflation? Interest rates were low in 2005. But one never knows: "low" and "high" are relative terms in the world of finance. If I chose the 7.75% fixed rate off...